Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Humble? Not if you think so!!

Self-deprecating humor is so attractive, is it not? Its connotations are humility and wisdom, fairness and tolerance, a non-judgmental yet self-judgmental attitude. Maturity. Confidence within the knowledge of one's position in life, fish bait calling itself worm-food with a grin plastered all over its glowing face, who wouldn't want that? The ugliest soul alive can instantly appear intelligent, interesting, and beautiful by admitting to an awareness of him or her self. Showing that you have nothing to fear suggests survival skills unbeknownst to the remains of our days.

And yet… self-deprecating humor masks such enormous and strategic vulnerability and insecurity it's a wonder there's a special term for it nonetheless. Some assembly required. Such is the person behind the lopsided grin. Anyone who appears humble by default cannot be so, mentioning humility, portraying humility requires an understanding of the fact, and in such negates all the aforementioned.

In other words, if you think you're humble you're not. And if you grasp the concept of self-deprecating humor you aren't either. In fact, you lie, and the amazing part is that people flock to that lie like moths to the porch light, needing the buzz you supply with that insincere laughter at your own image.

What was it about removing the plank in one's eye? I believe that it is ever easier to observe someone else's awareness of planks than to walk one. And therein lays the attractiveness of a self-deprecating humor. Knowledge = Know the ledge. To be self-aware is to show the potential for change, the potential to overcome one's ingrained behaviors and habits and to rise above it in a sort of ascension of character, the lifting of one's personality to a higher plane of existence, above and beyond the average person's abilities. It means you could be an author of one of those self-help books everyone else buys and places all sorts of hope and shame into. And that is just way cool.



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